Friday, December 27, 2019
Contribution of Munshi Premchand in Fields of Literature
Baffling as certainly an endeavour to provide an exhaustive list of Tagoreââ¬â¢s achievements in the various fields like music, dance, painting, histrionics, education, etc., would be, even the effort to describe his output within the limited field of literary and poetic writing would be, difficult. Indeed his contribution to ever so many types and forms of writing is amazing, if not defying adequate enumeration. As one of his admirers, the lateMahamahopadhyaya Harprasada Sastri, said: ââ¬Å"He has tried all phases of literatureââ¬âcouplets, stanzas, short poems, long pieces, short stories, fables, novels and prose romances, dramas, farces, comedies and tragedies, songs, opera, Kirtans, Palas and, last but not least, lyric poems. He has succeeded inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦For instance, a few poems may speak of a strain of melody and the sweet-throated bird that pours it out. But this does not by itself make all of them same on as repetitions of one single idea in three succeeding pieces. If scanned with care each will be found to possess a particular idea, very near what occurs in the three others, yet not without a distinctiveness that makes the difference. Persons who are familiar with Karnatic music, know that the Sangatis of a Pallavi of great composers like Thyagayya often appear as mere repetitions to the uninformed ear, though containing minute points of elaboration and differentiation, which develop clearly the growth of the song into a surpassing climax of mood and feeling. Of course to those who will not undergo the discipline of a seasoned critic, everything will appear as redundancy of execution and purposeless elaboration. There can be a further argument as to why at all should any poet worth the name, do that sort of thing so as to cause strain on the listener or reader to scan beauty and meaning in them. Well, let us try to comfort such lazy individuals with the answer, that a writerââ¬â¢s emotions require perhaps more than a co uple of lines similar for gaining his own sense of fulfilment. The critic also will have to reconcile himself to the fact that he is under no compulsion to read all of them. Again it may be only on a par with the other criticism that, had the
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The World Of The Future Generation - 906 Words
Intergenerational equity, the concept which displays that actions of today s generation will determine the world of the future generation. Therefore, the generation today must be fair and wise in the decisions they make, for their actions will sculpt the future of others. The image above was used to advertise an exhibition run by the ACT in 2008; climate change, human impact and creative challenge are going to kill our future generation. The then Prime Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem, displayed that meeting the needs of the present, should not compromise the capability of the future generation to meet their needs. However, through a change of actions within our global community we can save our future generation Climate Change is major issue and it definitely contributes to intergenerational inequality, for it has been triggered by the actions of previous and present generation s actions. Through the continuous mining of fossil fuels such as coal, there has been a major increase in global warming. In 2014 the U.S Energy Information Administration, released that in the Western Region, coal production increased by 12.6million short tons to 542.8 million short tons, after a great decline in 2013 by 13.0 million short tons. In Australia, coal burning is the main source of electricity, but this polluting source has been said by researchers at, that it has a little under 100 years left until the depletion of coal takes place. The action s such as the U.S andShow MoreRelatedWe Must Protect Our Future Generations Of Nature And The Natural World873 Words à |à 4 PagesMinning Period 1 1/24/16 Environmental Paper Yes, I do believe that we have obligations to our future generations to preserve nature and the natural world. Why would we not let them experiences the same beauties of the world we were able to. 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Recycling is also believed to slow down global warming. Recycling plays a vital role in preserving environmental resources and preserving an Earth for future generations. Alternative energy sources is another solution to the use of fossil fuels and pollution. Alternative energy sources causeRead MoreThe Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock986 Words à |à 4 Pagesbrought with the younger generation, and isolation from the changing society. The speaker in Dover Beach, utilizes symbols, metaphors, and similes to state that the younger generation has less faith than the older, and society must regain faith to stop the world from fighting. The younger generation needs to bridge the generation gap and remember to value and include the older generation, as they still can help the younger. If they do, they can stop the chaos in the world that stems from the isolationRead MoreDifference Between Generation Z And Generation Z797 Words à |à 4 PagesThroughout time, generations have been responsible for ensuring the stability and security of the future. Whether or not the world improves or worsens is completely up to the adults who inherit it. Sociologists and R esearchers have examined the characteristics that define each passing generation and so far no generation has been better equipped with taking on the ever changing world than Generation Z. Generation Z is a richly diverse and technologically proficient group with strong aspirations towardsRead MoreEssay about Baby Boomers Are Jealous1080 Words à |à 5 Pages Baby Boomers are Jealous Generation Xers have been described as quot;fanatically independent individuals pathologically ambivalent about the future, and brimming with unsatisfied longings for permanence, for love, and for material possessions.quot; (Lauren, p.64) This less-than-flattering description of our generation has since been expanded by the media to the point that myself and my peers are described as a bunch of apathetic slackers unconcerned with family values, godless cynicsRead MoreNegative Speech : C-Mental Illness705 Words à |à 3 Pagesillnessââ¬â¢ that teens have to deal with in todays world. Mental Illness affects teenagers in a variety of different ways that our world needs to know about. And its becoming a very common concept in many lifes. But you can help these teens through the tough times. T- This is our worldââ¬â¢s future generations. So we together need to help them through the difficult times and prevent mental illness from being so common in todays younger generations. P- Mental Illness is becoming a common conceptRead MoreAre Millennials Lazy, Entitled, And Delusional? Essay779 Words à |à 4 Pagesboomers to Generation Z, Millennials have already racked up qute an impressive amount of heat from past generations. Stuck between the ââ¬Å"lost generationâ⬠and Generation Z, Generation Y is the biggest surge of growth since the baby boomer era. Thanks to immigration and technology this generation is the most diverse and advanced generation to hit the U.S. They are seen as careless, entitled, and rebellious compared to others. Is that really true, or are we wrongly classifying a whole generation based onRead MoreAnalysis Of Richard Veres s The Great Depression 1138 Words à |à 5 Pagesdifferent generations and insisted looking up information about them. In America there are six living generations. His generations is commonly identified as the ââ¬Å"mature/silentsâ⬠and include people born from 1927-1945. Two generations that will have limited impact on the future are his generation and the GI generation (born from 1901-1926). This is because their numbers are diminishing as they age. The two generations that will, most likely, have the most impact on the future are Generation X (1965-1980)
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Existentialism2 Essay Example For Students
Existentialism2 Essay Existentialism, philosophical movement or tendency, emphasizing individual existence, freedom, and choice, that influenced many diverse writers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Because of the diversity of positions associated with existentialism, the term is impossible to define precisely. Certain themes common to virtually all existentialist writers can, however, be identified. The term itself suggests one major theme: the stress on concrete individual existence and, consequently, on subjectivity, individual freedom, and choice. Most philosophers since Plato have held that the highest ethical good is the same for everyone; insofar as one approaches moral perfection, one resembles other morally perfect individuals. The 19th-century Danish philosopher Sren Kierkegaard, who was the first writer to call himself existential, reacted against this tradition by insisting that the highest good for the individual is to find his or her own unique vocation. As he wrote in his journal, I must find a truth that is true for me . . . the idea for which I can live or die. Other existentialist writers have echoed Kierkegaards belief that one must choose ones own way without the aid of universal, objective standards. Against the traditional view that moral choice involves an objective judgment of right and wrong, existentialists have argued that no objective, rational basis can be found for moral decisions. The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche further contended that the individual must decide which situations are to count as moral situations. All existentialists have followed Kierkegaard in stressing the importance of passionate individual action in deciding questions of both morality and truth. They have insisted, accordingly, that personal experience and acting on ones own convictions are essential in arriving at the truth. Thus, the understanding of a situation by someone involved in that situation is superior to that of a detached, objective observer. This emphasis on the perspective of the individual agent has also made existentialists suspicious of systematic reasoning. Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and other existentialist writers have been deliberately unsystematic in the exposition of their philosophies, preferring to express themselves in aphorisms, dialogues, parables, and other literary forms. Despite their antirationalist position, however, most existentialists cannot be said to be irrationalists in the sense of denying all validity to rational thought. They have held that rational clarity is desirable wherever possible, but that the most important questions in life are not accessible to reason or science. Furthermore, they have argued that even science is not as rational as is commonly supposed. Nietzsche, for instance, asserted that the scientific assumption of an orderly universe is for the most part a useful fiction. Perhaps the most prominent theme in existentialist writing is that of choice. Humanitys primary distinction, in the view of most existentialists, is the freedom to choose. Existentialists have held that human beings do not have a fixed nature, or essence, as other animals and plants do; each human being makes choices that create his or her own nature. In the formulation of the 20th-century French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, existence precedes essence. Choice is therefore central to human existence, and it is inescapable; even the refusal to choose is a choice. Freedom of choice entails commitment and responsibility. Because individuals are free to choose their own path, existentialists have argued, they must accept the risk and responsibility of following their commitment wherever it leads. Kierkegaard held that it is spiritually crucial to recognize that one experiences not only a fear of specific objects but also a feeling of general apprehension, which he called dread. He interpreted it as Gods way of calling each individual to make a commitment to a personally valid way of life. .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 , .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .postImageUrl , .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 , .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:hover , .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:visited , .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:active { border:0!important; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:active , .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7 .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u90b2fe0fa12bb1670bca6295b966eaf7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Womens Roles In The Revolution Essay The word anxiety (German Angst) has a similarly crucial role in the work of the 20th-century German philosopher Martin Heidegger; anxiety leads to the individuals confrontation with nothingness and with the impossibility of finding ultimate justification for the choices he or she must make. In the philosophy of Sartre, the word nausea is used for the individuals recognition of the pure contingency of the universe, and the word anguish is used for the recognition of the total freedom of choice that confronts the individual at every moment. Existentialism as a distinct philosophical and literary movement belongs to the 19th and 20th
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Definition A mortgage-backed security (MBS) is a type of investment that is similar to bonds. Its value is secured by pooling several mortgages, which are then sold to investors (Mishkin Eakins, 2012). The security is a derivative element. The reason is that its value is tied to that of another asset.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mortgage-Backed Securities as an Investment Type specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The investor does not pay for the actual mortgage. On the contrary, they are paid on the basis of the pooled returns over time. The principal and interest from the mortgage pay for the principal and interest of the MBS (The Bond Market Association [BMA], 2002). Why MBS are Used The primary objective of this security is to help people own houses. The plan was introduced in 1968 (BMA, 2002). The introduction of MBS allowed other financial institutions to venture into the risky mortgage business (BMA, 2002 ). Before its introduction, only banks had the ability to offer long-term credits to purchase houses. According to Mishkin (2001), MBS also ensured that lenders got their money right away. It also protected them if the owners defaulted on their payments. Types of Mortgage-Backed Securities Pass-through It is the most basic type of MBS. It is also called participation certificates. The mortgage payments collected are passed to the investors (BMA, 2002). It is further categorized into residential and commercial MBS. The former is backed by residential property while the latter is secured by commercial assets. Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) It is a complicated form of MBS (Mishkin Eakins, 2012). Unlike the pass-through, CMO is made up of many securities called tranches. Each tranch operates independently. As such, there are different cash flow patterns (Mishkin Eakins, 2012). Financial Crisis and Decline of Economic Activities A financial crisis can either be systematic or non-systematic. The former affects the entire financial system while the latter only involves a few markets (Mishkin, 2001). An economic crisis is associated with a series of events. The sequence is analyzed below.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Financial Crisis ââ¬â Sequence of Events The figure below illustrates the sequence of events associated with a financial crisis: Figure 1:à Development of a financial crisis Source: Mishkin and Eakins (2012) Initiation It is the stage where the financial crisis is triggered. It can be caused by a combination of many factors. One of them is mismanagement of economic liberalization. Liberalization helps the economy by promoting financial development. A credit boom can occur where institutions lend significant amounts of money (Mishkin, 2001). The uncontrolled lending may eventually overwhelm loan regulators. The resulting risky lending leads to losses (Mishkin, 2001). Another factor that may trigger the crisis includes fiscal imbalances. It results from overspending on the part of the government. Authorities react variously in case of economic imbalances. For example, they may prompt financial entities to absorb their debts. The faith of the investors is lost. Consequently, the price of stock plummets (Mishkin, 2001). Currency crisis The difficult business conditions result in the insolvency of some institutions. As such, their net worth is reduced (Mishkin Eakins, 2012). Creditors and banks are unable to pay off their depositors. Most of them go out of business, causing a financial panic.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mortgage-Backed Securities as an Investment Type specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Full-fledged financial crisis Most emerging economies hold their debts in foreign denominations, mostly the US dollar. The situation l eads to currency mismatch. When the local currency depreciates, the debt burden increases (Mishkin, 2001). As a result, the value of these financial obligations increases. The situation leads to a decline in economic activities. Depreciation of the local currency also raises the price of imports, destabilizing the economy further. References Mishkin, F. (2001). Financial policies and the prevention of financial crises in emerging market countries. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Mishkin, F., Eakins, S. (2012). Financial markets and institutions. New York, NY: Prentice Hall. The Bond Market Association. (2002). An investorââ¬â¢s guide to pass through and collateralized mortgage securities. New York, NY: St. Michaelââ¬â¢s House. This essay on Mortgage-Backed Securities as an Investment Type was written and submitted by user Harlow Hebert to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Wallace Stevens, Death of a Soldier Essays
Wallace Stevens, Death of a Soldier Essays Wallace Stevens, Death of a Soldier Paper Wallace Stevens, Death of a Soldier Paper Alita Wright, ENG 311 Module 4, February 6, 2011 Depicting war into words is a strange and melodramatic practice, which can mean something different to each person. When my grandfather thinks of war, he thinks of friends and family that have lost their lives and the pride he feels that he defended his country and came home. My father, his own son, believes that war is a useless practice that wastes money and lives and holds no real purpose. My own beliefs are such that I can see the value in defending democratic beliefs, knowing that there is a price that must be paid to defend them. I am not so naive to believe that there is not a price for our freedoms and that many people all over the world would like to have the same freedoms and others would like to take them all away. Each author writes their story in their own words to share their views and leave them open to our interpretations. In Wallace Stevensââ¬â¢ poem, ââ¬Å"The Death of a Soldierâ⬠he depicts that death is swift, unemotional and comparative to the season of autumn. Just as autumn dies swiftly and poignantly, a soldierââ¬â¢s death is just as cold and ill fated. ââ¬Å"As in a season of autumn. The soldier falls. He does not become a three-days personage,à imposing his separation, calling for pomp. â⬠This statement reflects that no time or expectation of memorial is taken or required. Comparatively William Faulknerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Two Soldiersâ⬠depicts this same kind of defense and pride. The story is about two brothers, one older, one younger who hears of the bombing of Pearl Harbor at the same time, but has different thoughts and views. The older brother leaves to enlist in the military and join the war. The two brothers are inseparable in their life and the youngest brother believes that this will continue. In his eyes he can bring water and firewood for the soldiers, being too young is not even a thought for him. He wants to do his part as well, as long as he is with his brother. The brother feels that he has to defend his country. The two brothers have the same type of pride and spirit that a soldier should. No expectation or belief of coming home is thought of in either the story or the poem. A soldier does what he has to in order to defend his beliefs and is proud of the accomplishments made for their country and for the freedoms being ttacked. Whether or not someone believes war should happen, it does occur and lives are lost. The best memorial we can give is to be proud of the sacrifice and remember that the price is high and we should never take it for granted. : Stevens, Wallace. The Death of a Soldier. Select Writers of the Twentieth Century. Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2005. Faulkner, William. Two Soldiers. Select Writers of the Twentieth Century. Boston, MA: Pear son Custom Publishing, 2005.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Perseverence Essay Essays
Perseverence Essay Essays Perseverence Essay Essay Perseverence Essay Essay Rachel Summer 2006 Honors English Perseverance Essay In My Sisterââ¬â¢s Keeper and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, characters demonstrate the quality of perseverance. To persevere is to ââ¬Å"persist in a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles or discouragementâ⬠, according to The American Heritage College Dictionary. Characters in each book go about different ways showing perseverance throughout their lives. Yet no matter what, perseverance in the characters always comes down to the bottom line of never giving up. My Sisterââ¬â¢s Keeper is filled with examples of perseverance. Anna, the main character, is a matched donor for her older sister Kate who was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) at a young age. Throughout her whole life, Anna has gone through numerous blood donations, bone marrow donations, and surgeries so that Kate has a chance at survival. After Kateââ¬â¢s kidneys start to fail, Annaââ¬â¢s parents want her to donate a kidney to her sister. Therefore, Anna files a lawsuit against her parents for medical emancipation so she can make her own medical decisions. Throughout the book, the reader is led to believe that Anna is pursuing this lawsuit because she has gotten fed up with being the one to donate parts of her body such as lymphocytes and bone marrow for her sisterââ¬â¢s well being, but in the end the story twists. It turns out that Anna has gone against her parents wishes because her sister asked her to. Kate is sick of having to be in the hospital and doesnââ¬â¢t want to have to go through yet another surgery, she has accepted death. Anna showed perseverance because she never gave up in supporting and loving her sister. Even when Annaââ¬â¢s mom was upset with her about the lawsuit and even when Anna had to sell her most prized possession, the locket her dad gave her that she never took off, in order to hire a lawyer, she continued to do what she felt was right. The whole time Anna never lets out that it was Kate who convinced her to file the lawsuit in the first place. Other characters in My Sisterââ¬â¢s Keeper showed perseverance in their actions too. Kate showed perseverance in how she faced the challenges of dealing and living daily with a serious illness. Kate loved her family and wanted to reduce the impact her illness had on her sister and family thereby asking Anna to file the lawsuit. Anna and Kateââ¬â¢s parents showed perseverance by constantly pursuing new treatment options to help cure Kate or prolong her life. No matter how many surgeries or transfusions it took, they wanted to try everything. Even Campbell, Annaââ¬â¢s lawyer, showed perseverance. He would tell people ridiculous lies about what his service dog, Judge, did for him, never letting anyone know that it was for his seizures. Campbell didnââ¬â¢t want people to feel sorry for him or treat him any differently than anyone else. Therefore, characters in My Sisterââ¬â¢s Keeper showed the quality of perseverance. The Five People You Meet in Heaven has the quality of perseverance in it too. The main character, Eddie, shows it throughout the whole book. The book starts with Eddie at an old age working at Ruby Pier. He is a hard worker, checking rides and their parts, always making sure that everything is safe with Ruby Pier as the head of maintenance. Then, when a ride breaks down after one of the cables snap, Eddie dies trying to save a little girl who would have been hit by the falling ride. After he goes to heaven, he meets and spends time with five people who affected his life and died before him, reliving his past and the pasts of others. As he relives his past, he struggles with remembering and discovering some hardships that he and others had to face throughout their lives. Yet with every person, he tries to find out whether or not he saved the little girl, never giving up on his question. As he goes from person to person, we are shown flashbacks of Eddieââ¬â¢s life that are filled with perseverance. One example is during his time as a soldier in a war. Eddie and the captain and some of his fellow soldiers were captured and taken as prisoners. The living conditions were horrible for them for months on end. They had to work in a mine, eat bug infested food, never shower, sleep in dirt and grime, and were at risk of being killed. One of Eddieââ¬â¢s comrades was even shot and killed after he got so sick that he couldnââ¬â¢t work in the mine. However, Eddie always looked for ways to escape. Finally, one day he saw one of his captors trying to juggle. Eddie took this as an opportunity, even though it was very risky, for escape. Eddie eventually got them all out of there after showing the guards his juggling skills and tricking them. No matter how tough life got for Eddie, he never gave up. Even after his father died and he was stuck working at Ruby Pier, he persevered. He continued to help support his mother and wife until they died. Even after his beloved wife died, he carried on, no matter how painful life was without her. Eddie showed great qualities throughout his life and afterlife, including that of perseverance. Both books have characters showing perseverance in the sense that they get on with their lives, never giving up and never giving in no matter how hard it gets. Also, in both books, it becomes clear in the end why the characters kept on going and didnââ¬â¢t stop, and how their perseverance affected others. In My Sisterââ¬â¢s Keeper, Anna died in the end of the book in a car accident, and her kidney ended up being donated to Kate anyways. Yet Annaââ¬â¢s actions in life showed how much she loved her sister. Anna did want to donate her kidney to Kate in the first place because she would do just about anything to save her sister. In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Eddie finds out in the end that all life stories are intertwined. People died instead of him and he died instead of the little girl. When he finds out he saved the little girl, he thinks his death wasnââ¬â¢t for nothing after all. In the end, Eddie discovers that his life did have a meaning, despite what he had thought. He worked so hard at Ruby Pier, and by keeping the rides safe, he helped so many people stay safe while riding them. Eddie thought that he had lived a pointless life that had no value, but instead he had saved many lives without even realizing it. Both My Sisterââ¬â¢s Keeper and The Five People You Meet in Heaven show characters persevering through life, and never giving up or giving in, no matter what.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
One of the three topics in the instruction Essay
One of the three topics in the instruction - Essay Example To cope up with these challenges the academic institutions and recruitment authorities should perform their responsibilities. The American Dental Education Association has declared that the healthcare providers have failed to give proper treatment competent to the cultural differences to the minorities which call for a diverse workforce (ADEA, 2005). The healthcare providers especially the dentists should concentrate towards increasing the workplace diversity as it is the first step to strength the relationship between the doctor and patient. The healthcare providers are somewhat successful in serving patients who belong to their own race or culture but when it comes to the minorities it becomes crucial for them to give equal treatment and therefore the workforce must be racially diverse. The Sullivan Commission Report states that 62% of black patients are treated by black dentists and 10.5% of black patients are treated by white dentists (Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce, 2004). This clearly indicates that the health care services are highly affected by the racial differences. Another factor that emphasizes upon the need of workforce diversity is that the patients belonging to different cultures have entirely different beliefs for instance, in among Muslims anyone out of the immediate family cannot touch a woman and these women ask for a female doctor for themselves, for such conditions there should be a healthcare provider who clearly understand the patientââ¬â¢s reservations and can deal with their insecurities. The workplace diversity also minimizes the communication barriers between the patient and doctor. When the doctor communicates in the language of the patient and satisfies him with his concern and knowledge about his background then the patient feels comfortable and easily discusses the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
THE NEW MUMBAI COLLEGE PROJECT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
THE NEW MUMBAI COLLEGE PROJECT - Assignment Example This rear connection can either be removable or permanent (Constructions methods and technical specifications of Clinton county Engineer: Online). The backhoe loader is small and versatile. The excavator is earth moving equipment that is used for digging works and demolition of structures. They normally come in different sizes but they all have the same design. They are normally made with a pivotal cab that is located on the undercarriage. An arm that extends from the middle is connected to a bucket and on each side; the excavator has tracks that are normally used for mobility. Thirdly, the bulldozer is an item that comes in the form of a tractor and has an undercarriage in the form of a track (Winch, 2008). It has a metal blade that is connected to the front part of the bulldozer and it is used to push loads that are very heavy including sand and refuse after structures have been demolished. The blades of the bulldozer can be changed from time to time. The dump trucks are earth moving equipments that normally allow the transportation and deposition of materials at construction sites. An important feature of the dump trucks is that they provide an efficient mode of transport. The dump trucks are capable of being driven for distances that are long without causing any conflicts with the flow of the normal traffic (Winch, 2008). Skid steer loaders are also earth moving equipment that are simple and are capable of turning on their own footprints. They have wheels and this increases their traction in surfaces such as mud, snow and this helps to reduce the amount of soil compaction while their trend system prevents any damage to the finished parts (Winch, 2008). Trenchers are heavy equipment that is used to dig trenches for laying down pipe networks. They are very appropriate for trenching asphalt and other hard surfaces (Reese et al, 2004). The trencher normally has a conveyor system that carries the excavated materials and deposits it next to the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Friction Lab Essay Example for Free
Friction Lab Essay Discussion and Review Whenever a body slides along another body a resisting force is called into play that is known as friction. This is a very important force and serves many useful purposes. A person could not walk without friction, nor could a car propel itself along a highway without the friction between the tires and the road surface. On the other hand, friction is very wasteful. It reduces the efficiency of machines because work must be done to overcome it and this energy is wasted as heat. The purpose of this experiment is to study the laws of friction and to determine the coefficient of friction between two surfaces. THEORY Friction is the resisting force encountered when one surface slides over another. This force acts along the tangent to the surfaces in contact. The force necessary to overcome friction depends on the nature of the materials in contact, on their roughness or smoothness, and on the normal force but not on the area of contact or on the speed of the motion. We find experimentally that the force of friction is directly proportional to the normal force. When an object is sitting on a horizontal surface the normal force is just the weight of the object. However, if the object is on an incline then it is not equal to the weight but is calculated by N= mg cos à ¸. The constant of proportionality is called the coefficient of friction, à µ. When the contacting surfaces are actually sliding one over the other the force of friction is given by Equation 1: Ffr = à µk FN where Ffr is the force of friction and is directed parallel to the surfaces and opposite to the direction of motion. FN is the normal force and à µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction. The subscript k stands for kinetic, meaning that à µk is the coefficient that applies when the surfaces are movingà one with respect to the other. à µk is therefore more precisely called the coefficient of kinetic or sliding friction. Note carefully that Ffris always directed opposite to the direction of motion. This means that if you reverse the direction of sliding, the frictional force reverses too. In short, friction is always against you. Friction is called a non-conservative force because energy must be used to overcome it no matter which way you go. This is in contrast to what is called a conservative force such as gravity, which is against you on the way up but with you on the way down. Thus, the energy expended in lifting an object may be regained when the object descends. Yet, the energy used to overcome friction is dissipated, which means it is lost or made unavailable as heat. As you will see in your later study ofà physics the distinction between conservative and non-conservative forces is a very important one that is fundamental to our concepts of heat and energy.à A method of checking the proportionality of Ffr, and FNand of determining the proportionality constant à µk is to have one of the surfaces in the form of a plane placed horizontally with a pulley fastened at one end. The other surface is the bottom face of a block that rests on the plane and to which is attached a weighted cord that passes over the pulley. The weights are varied until the block moves at constant speed after having been started with a slight push. Since there is no acceleration, the net force on the block is zero, which means that the frictional force is equal to the tension in the cord. This tension, in turn, is equal to the total weight attached to the cords end. The normal force between the two surfaces is equal to the weight of the block and can be increased by placing weights on top of the block. Thus, corresponding values of Ffr,and FN can be found, and plotting them will show whether Ffrand FN are indeed proportional. The slope of this graph gives à µk. When a body lies at rest on a surface and an attempt is made to push it, the pushing force is opposed by a frictional force. As long as the pushing force is not strong enough to start the body moving, the body remains in equilibrium. This means that the frictional force automatically adjusts itself to be equal to the pushing force and thus to just be enough to balance it. However, there is a threshold value of the pushing force beyond which larger values will cause the body to break away and slide. Weà conclude that in the static case where a body is at rest the frictional force automatically adjusts itself to keep the body at rest up to a certain maximum. But if static equilibrium demands a frictional force larger than this maximum, static equilibrium conditions will cease to exist because this force is not available and the body will start to move. This situation may be expressed in equation form as: Equation 2: Ffr âⰠ¤ à µsFN or Ffr max = à µsFN Where Ffris the frictional force in the static case, Ffr max is the maximum value this force can assume and à µsis the coefficient of static friction. We find that à µsis slightly larger than à µk. This means that a somewhat larger force is needed to break a body away and start it sliding than is needed to keep it sliding at constant speed once it is in motion. This is why a slight push is necessary to get the block started for the measurement of à µk. One way of investigating the case of static friction is to observe the so-called limiting angle of repose. This is defined as the maximum angle to which an inclined plane may be tipped before a block placed on the plane just starts to slide. The arrangement is illustrated in Figure 1 above. The block has weight W whose component Wcosà ¸ (where à ¸ is the plane angle) is perpendicular to the plane and is thus equal to the normal force, FN. The component Wsin à ¸is parallel to the plane and constitutes the force urging the block to slide down the plane. It is opposed by the frictional force Ffr, As long as the block remains at rest, Ffr must be equal to W sin à ¸. If the plane is tipped up until at some value à ¸max the block just starts to slide, we have: Equation 3: But: Hence: Or: Thus, if the plane is gradually tipped up until the block just breaks away and the plane angle is then measured, the coefficient of static friction is equal to the tangent of this angle, which is called the limiting angle of repose. It is interesting to note that W cancelled out in the derivation of Equation 3 so that the weight of the block doesnt matter. PROCEDURE This experiment requires you to record measurements in Newtons. Remember that in SI units the unit of force is called the Newton (N). One Newton is the force required to impart an acceleration of 1m/s2 to a mass of 1 kg. Thus 1 N = 1 kg.m/s2. You can convert any kg-mass to Newtons by multiplying the kg-weight by 9.8 m/s2, i.e., 100 g = 0.1 kg = 0.1 x 9.8 = .98 N. 1. Determining force of kinetic or sliding friction and static friction a. The wooden blocks provided in the LabPaq are too light to give good readings so you need to put some weight onà them, such as a full soft drink can. Weigh the plain wood block and the object used on top of the block. Record the combined weight in grams and Newtons. b. Place the ramp board you provided horizontally on a table. If necessary tape it down at the ends with masking tape to keep if from sliding. c. Begin the experiment by setting the block and its weight on the board with its largest surface in contact with the surface of the board. Connect the blocks hook to the 500-g spring scale. d. Using the spring scale, slowly pull the block lengthwise along the horizontal board. When the block is moving with constant speed, note the force indicated on the scale and record. This is the approximate kinetic or sliding frictional force. Repeat two more times. e. While carefully watching the spring scale, start the block from rest. When the block just starts to move, note the force indicated on the scale and record. You should notice that this requires more force. This force isà approximately equal to the static frictional force. Repeat two more times. Determining coefficient of static friction using an inclined surface a. Place the plain block with its largest surface in contact on the board while the board is lying flat. b. Slowly raise one end of the board until the block just breaks away and starts to slide down. Be very careful to move the plane slowly and smoothly so as to get a precise value of the angle with the horizontal at which the block just breaks away. This is the limiting angle of repose à ¸ max. Measure it with a protractor (see photo that follows for an alternate way of measuring the angle) and record the result. You may also want to measure the base and the height of the triangle formed by the board, the support, and the floor or table. The height divided by the length of the base equals the coefficient of static friction. Remember: c. Perform two more trials. These trials should be independent. This means that in each case the plane should be returned to the horizontal, the block placed on it, and the plane carefully moved up until the limiting angle of repose is reached. DATA TABLE 6 Height Base Length à ¸ max à µs Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Calculations 1. Using the mass of the block and the average force of kinetic friction from Data Table 1, calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction from Equation 1: 2. Using the mass of the block and the average force of kinetic friction from Data Table 2, calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction for the wood block sliding on its side. Record your result and see how it compares with the value of à µkobtained from Data Table 1. 3. From the data in Data Table 3, 4 5 compute the coefficient of static friction, à µsfor, the glass surface on wood, the sandpapered surface on wood, and wood on carpet, etc from each of your three trials. Calculate an average value of à µs.Record your results in your own data sheets. 4.à From the data obtained in Data Table 6 calculate à µsfor wood on wood from each of your three trials. 5.à Calculate an average value of à µs. Record your result on the data sheet. Questions A. How does the coefficient of static friction compare with the coefficient of kinetic friction for the same surfaces and areas? B. Why is it important to reduce friction during the operation of machinery? C. How does grease or oil affect the coefficient of friction?
Friday, November 15, 2019
Gender Role Limitations in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay -- Jane
Gender Role Limitations in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre The nineteenth century Victorian era woman needed wealth or position to avoid a life of drudgery.Ã Women were viewed as trophies or possessions men owned.Ã They were not permitted to develop nor expected to, and even venturing out on their own was considered inappropriate.Ã During the era in which Jane Eyre was published the home and family were seen as the basic unit of stability in society.Ã At the middle of this foundation stood a wife and mother representing the sum total of all morality - a Madonna-like image.Ã This image was reinforced by social institutions such as mainstream religious and political beliefs.Ã Women were steered away from independence, confidence, and self-fulfillment and steered toward an existence of submission, dependence, and ignorance.Ã They were expected to be beautiful and silent.Ã This is why the titular heroine of Bronte's novel caused such controversy when Jane Eyre was published.Ã Jane is plain and very intelligent.Ã She is in addition intelligent, self-confident, strong-willed and she exhibits a moral conscience.Ã Jane is atypical of women of her era in that she trusts in her own decision-making abilities and, furthermore, unlike most women of the era has the freedom to make them. To get ahead as a woman in Jane's era, one had to have wealth, position, family or friends.Ã Jane, an orphan, has none of these.Ã Her family and friends only serve as reminders of what she does not have.Ã They view her o... ...ronte 133).Ã In this manner we see why Jane Eyre caused such controversy upon publication.Ã It is basically Bronte's criticism of Victorian society with respect to its oppression and perspective of women.Ã Bronte understood to adopt such limitations was certain death, at best an unendurable hell for a woman of intelligence and passion.Ã As such, her heroine must endure hell to discover the route to personal fulfillment and freedom.Ã As she does so, she sets a new definition of what women are capable.Ã This is why the novel and its heroine were so shocking to Victorian audiences who considered women pretty objects to admire more than human beings in their own right. WORKSÃ CITED Bronte, Charlotte.Ã Jane Eyre.Ã New York: Bantam Books, 1981.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Particular social system Essay
Ethics is the discipline that deals with the good and the bad as well as with the moral duty and responsibility of an individual. It can also be defined as the study of the choices made by individuals as regards right and wrong (Marie, 2005). Ethics is mainly concerned with the philosophy that results in a particular behavior. Ethics are of different types, and they differ in terms of their application in different contexts. Ethics state the working of a particular social system. They point towards the utilization of morality. At birth, as indicated by Be The Dream (2009), everyone is practically a blank slate. The period of infancy is characterized by total emptiness. The only skill an infant is equipped with is crying in order to attract the attention of the other people. Infants are contented with just lying watching the world revolve around them until they need something. However, as life progresses, individuals develop values in accordance with what they have previously learned or gone through (Be The Dream, 2009). The main intent of developing ethics is to set up the capacity to come up with rational judgment and ethical decisions. The whole process of personal ethics development is continuous and goes on through out life (Marie, 2005). Personal ethics, morals and values go hand in hand. Values are beneficial aspects learned from childhood, either as a result of interaction with the environment or from parents. Morals are the inherent beliefs that develop from the values system of the way an individual should react in a particular situation (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010). Ethics, on the other hand, are characterized by an individualââ¬â¢s reaction to difficult situations. Ethics play a major role of testing the morals of an individual. Personal ethics are instilled by the culture, environment as well as the background in which an individual is brought up (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010). Family values in addition to traditional values are very important in the upbringing of a child. These values play a major role in assisting an individual develop personal ethics at a very tender age. Various personal ethics include: honesty, loyalty, punctuality, open-mindedness, self respect as well as respect for others and fairness (Marie, 2005). Hatcher (2007) states that the expression of oneââ¬â¢s ethics is not always comprehended in the global context at large, immediate surrounding, or even among the closest family members. This is mainly as a result of the difference in the development of personal ethics. Personal ethics develop early in life through interaction with family, church, school, and other members of the general community. All these people play part in helping one mold his/her beliefs (Hatcher, 2007). Personal ethics are established through unconscious observations as well as experiences of childhood. Personal ethics narrate values that help an individual make sense of his/her life. They enable one to make moral decisions that are not inclined towards the good of an individual but to all people. An ethical person undergoes extensive internal battles, trying to figure out whether his or her actions will negatively impact on others. Personal ethics enable individuals to make decisions that are meant for the benefit of all. They act as an innate factor that enable individuals make rational and morally correct decisions (Hatcher, 2007).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
What You Pawn I Will Redeem Response Paper
ââ¬Å"What You Pawn I Will Redeemâ⬠(Response Paper) ââ¬Å"What You Pawn I Will Redeemâ⬠by Sherman Alexie is the story of the mission of the humorous character of Jackson Jackson. Jackson Jackson is a homeless Spokane Indian in search of money to repurchase the regalia that was stolen from his grandmother about 50 years ago. He embarks on a journey to collect 999 dollars, the amount of money the pawnbroker is willing to sell the regalia for. Throughout this journey, the humorous character of Jackson Jackson unravels to reveal a man of culture.Although Jackson has left Spokane to attend college in Seattle, his Indian culture remains an important part of him. He constantly speaks of his Indian beliefs, ways, and customs. In the opening sentence, Jackson immediately acknowledges that he is Indian and differentiates his race from ââ¬Å"hungry white folksâ⬠(8). As the story progresses, he uses many other statements to distinguish his race; he explains that Indians â⠬Å"donââ¬â¢t want to be perfect, because only God is perfectâ⬠(11). This distinctive Indian belief is used to prove that the regalia indeed belonged to his grandmother.Jacksonââ¬â¢s culture also proves to play a substantial part in his decisions in regards to the money he needs for the regalia. Whenever he happens to gather a bit of money, it is always squandered almost immediately after, due to Jacksonââ¬â¢s over-abundant sense of generosity. After winning one hundred dollars from a lottery ticket, he gives a fifth of it to Mary, the cashier in the Korean grocery store. At first, Mary refuses, but Jackson insists that it is, yet again, ââ¬Å"an Indian thingâ⬠(18). His cultural sharing tendency also leads him to spend the remaining eighty dollars on whiskey shots for everyone at the bar.One can say that his decision was driven by alcoholism as well as ignorance, but the sense of family among those of his own race also impacted him when he decided that ââ¬Å"[h e] and his cousins [were] going to be drinking eighty shotsâ⬠(18). Clearly, Jacksonââ¬â¢s Indian nationality not only distinguishes him from the white people of Seattle, but also makes a large impact on his actions and his decisions. Nevertheless, Jackson is not solely defined by his title of ââ¬Å"a Spokane Indian. â⬠Although his culture drives many of his actions, redemption also plays an important role in making up Jacksonââ¬â¢s character.At first glance, the short story is about a man striving to repurchase his grandmotherââ¬â¢s old regalia. However, if one looks deeper, the regalia may symbolize redemption, hence the name, ââ¬Å"What You Pawn I Will Redeem. â⬠Jacksonââ¬â¢s hidden objective is to bring his grandmother back to life, or at least redeem some part of her. By redeeming a part of his grandmother, he is able to redeem a part of his home in India. Jacksonââ¬â¢s longing to redeem his home in India also contributes to the theme of a lack of a place to belong. Jackson can be considered homeless both physically and symbolically.Because he does not have the financial means to provide shelter for himself, he is physically homeless. Jackson is also homeless symbolically, for he cannot find a home in society. He flunks out of his college, losing a place in the campus, and he ruins his attempts at marriage, losing his partner in life. In the beginning of the story, Jackson holds a place in the community of the homeless Indians, and he considers them ââ¬Å"[his] teammates, [his] defenders, [his] posseâ⬠(9). However, he soon finds that one member of the group, Rose of Sharon, has left and hitchhiked back to Toppenship to live with her sister on the reservation.Later, he realizes that another member of his group, Junior, has also left and hitchhiked down to Portland, Oregon. When Jackson visits the Indian bar and befriends Honey Boy and Irene, he finds that at the end of the night, they too have disappeared. Finally, the Aleut cousins, also homeless Indians, disappear as well, said to have either drowned or disappeared north. Jacksonââ¬â¢s status of a loner in society is further solidified as one by one, his ââ¬Å"posseâ⬠(9) disappears. In conclusion, Alexieââ¬â¢s short story illustrates a cultural character looking for redemption, as well as a home.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Aggressive Children and Violent Video Games
Aggressive Children and Violent Video Games Free Online Research Papers Since video games were first introduced in the 1970s they have become a popular important activity for children and teens as well as quite a few adults. Since globalization took place and internet and computers spread all over the world the access for getting and playing violent games started to increase and children begin to have the ability to play violent games more than before. it became a habit they do every day that made them ignore more important things during the day like (studying , etcâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. ) , in the 1990 s video games started in Egypt with killing games like ( motor compact , street fighter wolfenstein 3D ) and this games the main tasks is to kill and wound , graphics e.g. (Blood), sound e.g.( scream ). Mainly these video games that contains sounds and graphics were the introduction to violent games although there were other games that donââ¬â¢t contain violence like sports games (Fifa) and games that need to think to reach a level of success like (Commandos, Age of Empires) but they ignored all these games and they got interested to the violent games only which became the most important game and target to success. As violent video games became an important thing to children, it became a problem that faces the parents and children so through researches and methodologys we will try to solve this problem and make people aware of its dangerous. When Children find that when they always win while playing they act as they play in there lifes which made them behave violently and like these video games that make them act by this wrong way due to its violence, this videos make them abstract the same form of violence they see which they think its right because it made them win and feel grateful and proud of themselves for winning thatââ¬â¢s why they act this way during day. Researches found that violent video games affect children brain leads them to act in more creation in amygdale, which has relation to emotions those children act in violent way more than non violent children. Literature review According to Jeroen S. Brad J. (2006),in this study we examine what kinds of individuals are most attention to violent video games were its enjoyed by young males and we considered different individuals including trait aggressiveness, empathy education level and game addiction, and their relation to violent video games. These researchers followed the hypothesis they use the survey method that measured trait aggressiveness, empathy and video game addiction. Aggressiveness measure was 0.79, empathy measure was 0.67 and game addiction measure was 0.92.They resulted that lower educated boys wanted to play both violent and non-violent video games more than did higher educated boys. The more empathic boys were, the more they wanted to play non-violent video games, the higher the level of trait aggressiveness in boys, the more time they spend playing video games. They found the three most popular games between young boys were all violent ones (grand theft auto, counter strike, and call of duty). In line with these findings Craigs A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman (2001), violent video game increases aggressive behavior in children and adults. Experimental and non experimental studies with males and females support this. Analyses also expose that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. Playing violent video games also decreases prosaically behavior. In this research they use research question and they use method sample. Through studies they examined the effects of playing violent video games on aggressive cognition, Aggressive affect, aggressive behavior, physiological arousal, or pro social behavior. They use 3 characteristics for each study (a) gender (b) age (adults18 years old or children >18 years old), (c) type of study (experimental or non experimental), and (d) publication status. The results of the dependent measures was for the Aggression behavior the 33 independent tests of the relation between vid eo-game violence and aggression, involving 3,033 participants, the average effect size was positive and significant, r +=19, Pro social Behavior eight independent tests of the relation between violent video games and pro social behavior, involving 676 participants average effect that was negative and significant r+=-16, Aggressive Cognition 20 independent tests of the relation between video-game violence and aggressive cognition, involving 1,495 participants, an average effect that was positive and significant_ =.27, Aggressive Affect their were 17 independent tests of the relation between video-game violence and aggressive affect, involving 1,151 participants, also a significant positive effect, r+=.18, and the last measure is Physiological Arousal seven independent tests of the link between video-game violence and physiological arousal, involving 395 participants, showed that exposure to violent video games increased physiological arousal, r+=.22 Definition The article follows more specific meanings common to media-violence researchers. Violent Media Violent media are those that represent intentional effort by individuals to cause danger on others. An ââ¬Å"individualâ⬠can be a nonhuman cartoon character, a real person, or anything in between. As a result, traditional cartoons (e.g., ââ¬Å"Mighty Mouse,â⬠ââ¬Å"Tom and Jerryâ⬠) are filled with violence. Aggression Aggression refers to behavior that is intended to cause harm. It may be directed outward, against others or against the self. It may be driven by emotional arousal. Violence Violence refers to extreme forms of aggression, such as physical attack. All violence is aggression, but not all aggression is violence. These results was consistent with hypothesis that exposure to violent video games create a public-health threat to children and youths. Exposure is positively related with heightened levels of aggression in young adults and children, in experimental and non experimental designs, and in males and females. Exposure is negatively associated with pro social behavior. Matthew, s. eastin (2006).video game violence and female game player: self-and opponent gender effects on presence and aggressive thoughts. Human communication research. 0360-3989, 351-372, there were tests conducted in order to achieve the positive outcome of games forming aggressive behaviors amongst teenage girls and boys, the studies are composed of the main player and an opponent, a type of opponent, local environment and aggressive behavioral thinking that was formed up from the violent images the game projects. the first two case studies which is numbers 1 and 2 tells us that females who play video games tend to feel a more in depth reality when playing and that they tend to be more aggressive then that of boy that play the same game. While case studies 3 and 4 tells us that players who play against each other forms up a more increased aggressive behavior towards each other, rather then playing against an AI (artificial intelligence) opponent. In this research they use s ample and use hypothesis and research question. While in the past, computer games were more aimed towards male players since 1995 and that aggressive behavior started to grow large in reports after the next two years, around 40% to be prà ©cised. Later research shows that more games have been produced to meet up to the requirements of both male and female players and that their response to video game violence is relatively similar. Another research shows that games recently have been more aimed towards females, giving them a more feeling of being aggressive and that the population will be having a high number of violent young women who ever experiences these violent video games. Another research case study indicates that players who play long term game relations such as RPG (Role Playing Games), tend to reflect the game characterââ¬â¢s personality into the playerââ¬â¢s ones self. In other words, the player will try to imitate or completely mimic every aspect of a game characterââ¬â¢s personality and story role. This case has been conducted and shows that this form of behavior is vastly demonstrated amongst female players, and with newer technologies of multi game playing, a single female player can create completely new game character that can portray their feelings and personality. Such as story roles, Skills, abilities, clothing they wear, physical appearance and so fort, this all can be generated by the player. With all these possibilities, a player can even identify them selves by the use of gender characteristics or even racial identification, and if by possible means the player may identify their personality and attitude to match with their generated character, they can even portray them selves as the character in-game, thus if they encounter situations that their character is meeting a hostile situation with another character generated by a completely different player, they will end up forming aggressive thoughts and behaviors towards each other and that the possible out come may even carry on with in the playerââ¬â¢s thoughts out side of the game. According to Craig A. Anderson Karen E. Dill (1999).On April 20, 1999, Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold launched an assault on columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, murdering 13 and hurtful 23 before turn the guns on themselves. However its too difficult to determine exactly what makes these teens to attack their own classmates and teachers, many factors might be concerned. One possible causative factor is violent video games. Harris and Klebold enjoyed playing the bloody, shoot-em-up video game Doom, a game accredited by the U.S.military to train soldiers to efficiently kill. In this research they tested the correlation of Video Game violence effects, they choose a sample of two hundred twenty-seven (87males, 149 females) undergraduates from an introduction psychology course at a large Midwestern university. All members of this sample were not obligated to participate in psychological research. Results Preliminary Analysis Formation of Individual Difference Composites Correlation analysis on the individual difference measures of aggression indicated no problem items (e.g., items that were negatively correlated with the scale) on either of the two scales. Coefficient alphas indicated that each of the two scales was internally reliable. Alphas were .88 for the CIS and .90 for the AQ. The CIS and AQ were strongly correlated (r =.81, p < .001). Past research in our lab has revealed that the CIS and the AQ load on the same latent Aggressive Personality factor (Dill et al., 1997).Therefore; we formed a single aggressive personality score by averaging the CIS and AQ scores. According to Dr. Vincent Mathews, a professor of radiology at the university, his study recommended that playing a specific kind of video games may have dissimilar short term effects on brain function than playing nonviolent or interesting video games. He added that what the examined raising in emotional arousal, he resulted also that violent action caused from playing violent video games. Although the researcher expect to examine extra research on the long-term effects of violent video games experience and the benefit of these brain functioning diversity. Video games are lucrative business and are worth in excess of $10 billion in sales in the U.S. alone. References Lemmens, Bushman, Cyber Psychology Behavior, Oct2006, Vol. 9 Issue 5, p638-641. ( ( (,George Miller, (2005) citation: Huitt w. (2003) Research Papers on Aggressive Children and Violent Video GamesEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Hockey GameCapital PunishmentInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is Art
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Jordanians and Palestinians in the West Bank Essay Example
Jordanians and Palestinians in the West Bank Essay Example Jordanians and Palestinians in the West Bank Essay Jordanians and Palestinians in the West Bank Essay This paper contains a discussion of the West Bank settlers paticularly, the Jordanians and Palestinians. The similarities and differences of the two cultures in terms of their practices and ideologies as well as their beliefs were delved into. An analysis on how the two cultures co-exist in the area despite its history of their fight for power over the West Bank is also provided. The paper also discusses on the conquest of the Israeli forces over the area and the effects of their occupation to the Palestinians and Jordan settlers in the West bank as well as their present economy. Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank West Bank, is a southwestern Asia territory that bound by the Jordan territory in its eatern portion and Israel on its north, south and western portions. It is geographically placed seen on the western bank of the Jordan river. This territory was once part of Palestine but was formally annexed by Jordan in 1950. Jordan ruled the area until 1967 and during its rule, it granted full citizenship to Palestinians who were then living in the area (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007). The armies of Syria, Egypt and Jordan engaged into a six day war with Israel, in 1967. The Arab armies were defeated and Israel took control of several territories occupied by Syria, Egypt and Jordan and such included the West Bank. In 1988, Jordan ceded to the Palestine Liberation Organization all territorial claims to the West Bank, however, this did not do much because Israel also tried to establish its rule over the area. Israel imposed its laws in the West Bank governing the Palestinians in the process (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007). The Israeli government introduced various reforms and improvement in the area, however, not all of these reforms benefitted the West Bank inhabitants. The Israeli built roads for their exclusive use only, the Palestinians were prohibited from utilizing it. The Palestinians also tried to establish their claim over the West Bank against the Israeli government. The clash on the establishment of power in the West Bank, led to bloody uprisings. It was only through a peace convention in 2006 that Israeli government agreed to retreat its forces in the area à (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007). Majority of the population in the West Bank are Palestinian Arabs and 10 percent of the population in the area are Christian Arabs. Agriculture is the primary economic activity of the people because of the lack of more fruitful economic ventures in the area. Most of the job opportunities can be found on neighboring Arab countries like Israel. The currency that are ciculating in the area are the Israeli new sheqel and the Jordanian dinar. The dialects in the West Bank are similar to the Jordanian dialect (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007). According to a Time magazine article, the Jordanian rule of the West Bank was more palatable for the Palestinians than the rule of the Israelis because they share the same culture. The Israelis were like robbers who took the Palestinian culture away from them. However, this does not mean that the Palestinians accepted the Jordanian rule with open arms. The two groups also had their share of uprisngs in the quest of both parties to retain power over the West Bank area. The Jordanian government invested heavily on the West bank even if this was already under the Israeli control because it had the aim of recovery. The investment made by the Jordan government on the area somehow uplifted the economy in the West Bank, however, this positive standing in the economy did not last long as other wars and uprising ensued thus, crippling the areas available resources (Encarta on line encyclopedia, 2007) The Palestinians in the West Bank are the original settlers of the area. They were the original heirs of the West Bank before it was occupied by various conquerors, among them were the Jordanians and the Israelis (Encarta on line encyclopedia, 2007). Based on culture and practices, the Palestinians and the Jordanians are almost similar. In terms of religion, both are attached to the Muslim faith. Majority of the Palestinians and Jordanians are Sunni Muslim, the largest sect in Islam. Others practice different religions such as Christianity, Jewish and the other Muslim sects (every culture, n.d.). For the Palestinians and the Jordanians, the role of women is basically to produce children and tend the household needs, they are not expected to work beyond the house and perform the duties of a man. Rarely is a woman perceived to be of equal rank as that of a man especially in the olden days. It is only recently that the women are allowed to perform other roles besides the tending the house needs and the children. Many women now are part of the workforce and are even doing mens job. This shift of ideology was not because of cultural influence from the West but because of the dire need for women to take these roles. Life is economically difficult in the West Bank and all efforts must be contributed to find work and provide food for the family (every culture, n.d.). Aside from these similarities, the two cultures also share the same belief in terms of courtship and marriage. They do not adhere to the Western style of dating and courtship. Their beliefs dictate that the man and the woman should have associated with each others families before they should enter into a romantic relationship. Courtship does not mean entering into a simple relationshipit means marriage (every culture, n.d.). Marriage is an important rite of passage for both cultures. They usually celebrate this with a feast catering 200 to 2,000 guests. A similar kind of celebration is also undertaken whenever a child is born, especially if the child is a baby boy. The Joradanian society has a higher regard for boys than girls. The Palestinians share the same ideology (every culture, n.d.). It is also the practice of the Jordanians to build houses that are several stories high; this is in preparation for the marriage of their sons. The sons who marry take their wives to the family home and live on one story of the house. The women take charge of the cookingà as well as the household chores while the men do not contribute any effort to the household works as they are prohibited by their culture from engaging in such activites. The Palestinian men also do not do houesehold chores. They have high regard for gender roles and distinction of the sexes (every culture, n.d.). People from both cultures are also very hospitable. They do not allow their visitors to bring anything, they provide for all the needs and the guests are expected to consume all that they serve. People from both cultures are also very formal and conservative, as compared to the Western people (every culture, n.d.). Most of the Jordanians and Palestinians also have a very good educational background. There is a great number of them who have attended school in universities and finished college degrees. However, those who are in the West Bank do not have very good jobs because there are only a few high paying jobs in the region. Most of the educated serve inà Israel where there is a higher pay offered and in nearby Arab countries which have better economies. These Muslims, however, do not hold high positions in the countries that they work for because the priority are the local inhabitants. Aside from these they are not also given the same salary as to thatà of a local employee who hold the same position; they receive a lower salary. This practice can be attributed to the fact that the Israelis look lowly to the inhabitants of the West Bank, which happens to be a part of their conquered state until 2006 (every culture, n.d.). Among the dissimilarities in the culture of the Jordanians and the Palestinians is their heritage. The Jordanians have a country of their own- Jordan whereas the Palestines do not have a territory that they can call their own. The Palestinians are displaced and most of them are refugees in different Arab countries including Jordan. The Palestinian territory in 1947 was divided by the United Nations into two- the Palestinian state and the Jewish state. The Palestinian Arabs who comprised sixty-five percent of the population then did not agree of the partition plan and as a result thereof, a war ensued. The Palestinian Arabs lost in the warà while the Jewish state successfully established Israel in 1948. The Palestinians tried to establish their power in the area but they were not successful. This failure has led to poor stature of the Palestinians in the present day (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007). The water scarcity in the area also contributes to its poor economic standing, it lacks better resources that could provide for the needs of the people. The various uprisings and the surge for power in the area is also a factor. Instead of concentrating on enriching their economy, the Palestines are busy fighting for their right to rule their land from the Israelis. The Israeli government played hard in giving up the West Bank leadership as compared to the Jordanian government which ceded its interests to the Palestine Liberation Organization. This cession of interests may have been a factor for the co-existence of the Jordanians and Palestinians in the area. Another factor may have been the fact that the Jordan government houses many of the Palestinian refugees in their country and their sharing of similar religious belief and culture. The fact that majority of both cultures adhere to the same Muslim sect is a great factor. They do not have a clash of ideologies as compared to Christians and Jews who have great disparities in their principles and the ideologies that bind them. In addition, the Palestinian culture in the West Bank also have a great influence from the Jordanian culture because of its conquest of the area for nearly seventeen years and the curriculum that the education system in the West Bank region followsà is patterned after the Jordanian curriculum. This type of curriculum may have been a factor in building a smoother relationship between the two cultures because they get to have a deeper understanding of eachà others beliefs and background. However, it must be noted that not all those who have Jordanian citizenship in the West Bank are really Jordanians. Many of those who hold such citizenship are Palestinians who have been living in the West Bank before the Palestinian National Administration came to power (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007). References Microsoft Encarta online encyclopedia (2007). ââ¬Å"West Bankâ⬠. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from à à à à à à à à à à à Microsoft Encarta online encyclopedia (2007). ââ¬Å"Modern Palestineâ⬠. Retrieved April 22, à à à à à à à à à à 2008, from Every Culture (n.d.). ââ¬Å"Jordaniansâ⬠. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from à à à à à à à à à à à Every Culture (n.d.). ââ¬Å"Palestiniansâ⬠. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from à à à à à à à à à à à Every Culture (n.d.). ââ¬Å"Culture of Palestine, West Bank and Gaza Stripâ⬠. Retrieved April 22, à à à à 2008, fromà à à à à à à à Strip.html Time magazine (1978, June 19). West Bank: The Cruelest Conflict. Retrieved April 22, 2008, à à from,9171,919757-1,00.html
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Catastrophic Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Catastrophic Terrorism - Research Paper Example Peace is friendly, peace is helpful, it is merciful and for these reasons, it validates itself as an indispensable requirement in any country. Terrorism has serious ramifications on various sectors of the economy, children and development of a country as a whole. To ensure continuity, oneness and communalism in the society, the issue of terrorism must be dealt with and ensure that peace prevails in the midst of all the citizens. Global terrorism has been on the rise in the last couple of years and as much as it has been met with a considerable amount of retaliation by the worldââ¬â¢s superpower, it has not been completely dealt a major blow to an extent that it can cease. Terrorism has a number of definitions but the simplest one is ââ¬Å"the illegitimate use of combat methods or force to achieve a certain political objective by targeting innocent people (Bruce, 2015). Further, it can also be referred to as a ââ¬Å"set of combat methods rather than a recognizable ideology or a movement and involves use of violence against the innocent people to inflict a psychological effect of fear on others other the immediate targets (Bruce, 2015). While the effects of terrorism cannot be quantified, catastrophic terrorism aims at victimizing a large number of people, causing more damage to a larger proportion; otherwise called mass destruction. Todayââ¬â¢s terrorism, whether local, regional or international act on greater variety of motives than it has been before. Accessibility to weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear devices, germ dispensers, poison gas weapons and even more interestingly, computer viruses has made the world that we live in more vulnerable to catastrophic terrorism. Catastrophic terrorism has become more of a possibility now due to dependence of technology and this has facilitated the terrorists with an easy way to targets. Catastrophic terrorism poses a major threat now more than ever before due to use of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Resistance Training Intensity Vs. Volume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resistance Training Intensity Vs. Volume - Essay Example People tend to get the terms resistance training and strength training confused, however it should be known that these are two incredibly different matters, and thus they need to each be taken properly into consideration and understanding. In regards to the matter of whether or not multiple set training is better than single set training in regards to maintaining strength, this matter is one which has several different angles that need to be carefully examined; depending on what results you are looking for, the answer will thus be incredibly different, and with resistance training there are often several different options that you can have which will end with the same results. There was a study done recently, and the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a single vs. a multiple set resistance training protocol in well-trained early postmenopausal women; this study was great because it used people of a proper age and standing so that they could show whether multiple or single set training was better in regards to maintaining strength in the body overall. The subjects in this study were randomly assigned to begin either with 12 weeks of the single set or 12 weeks of the multiple set protocol, and "after another 5 weeks of regenerational resistance training, the subgroup performing the single set protocol during the first 12 weeks crossed over to the 12 week multiple set protocol and vice versa." (Kemmler, Lauber, Engelke, & Weineck, 2004). Basically what resulted from this study was that neither exercise type nor exercise intensity, degree of fatigue, rest periods, speed of movement, training sessions per week, compliance and attendance, or periodization strategy differed between that of exercise protocols, and as well, overall, "multiple set training resulted in significant increases (3.5-5.5%) for all 4 strength measurements, whereas single set training resulted in significant decreases (-1.1 to -2.0%)Body mass and body composition did not change during the study. The results show that, in pretrained subjects, multiple set protocols are superior to single set protocols in increasing maximum strength." (Kemmler, Lauber, Engelke, & Weineck, 2004). Therefore, if you are looking to increase and maintain strength as a result overall, then you will want to stick more with the multiple set training idea; there was even another study that was done that was similar to the previously discussed one, where women were taken and used in the study in order to find out whether multiple or single set training was more efficient in regards to maintaining body strength overall. In this study, just as in the other one, the results showed that multiple set training reigned supreme over the latter, in regards to the matter of increasing and maintaining strength overall. This study "compared the effects of single and multiple set strength training in women with basic experience in resistance training", and "Both training groups had significant strength improvements in leg extension. In the seated bench press, only the three-set group showed a significant incre
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The role of the HR function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The role of the HR function - Assignment Example Self development plan not only provides the self reflection but it also sets the path straight in terms of career Personal development program is very important. It provides the framework to the individual to conduct personal self assessment and identify his strengths and weaknesses. It helps in charting out the guideline to optimize and capitalize on the existing capabilities and determine the future path. It helps in identifying the areas of development and ways to enhance capabilities and knowledge and helps in deciding and developing a clear picture of the future in terms of career. Personal development plan is geared towards progress of both personality and self. A clear analysis of existing capabilities and desired ones helps in boosting self esteem and a clear picture of the future enable to add appropriate qualifications especially when you are vying for higher position (Attwood, 2005). This paper aims at creating my own personal development plan in the light of the different theories of personality, learning and leadership. Personal Development Plan A personal development plan consists of the following major steps. 1. What is my current state 2. What is my desired state 3. How do I get there? What is needed 4. ... So it is beneficial to identify the personality type first using the Myers Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). MBTI It is one of the best known and most widely used for identifying personality and learning style. MBTI identifies the psychological type on four different scales namely Extraversion Vs Introversion (E-I), Sensing Vs Intuition (S-I), Thinking vs. Feelings (T-F) and Judging vs. perceiving (Gardner, 2009). The E-I indicator shows whether the energy and attention primarily comes from inside or from outside events. S-I indicators shows how the individual perceive the world and take the information whether directly from the five senses i.e. sensing or indirectly by using intuition. T-I indicator shows preferences in decision making either logical and rational or subjective values like based on like and dislike. The last indicator is J-P that shows individualââ¬â¢s choice whether to use judging or perceptive attitude for dealing with the environment (Knights et al 2007). I took MBT I online test to identify my personality. The test identified my personality type as ESFP. It shows I am an extrovert and I have the following characteristics sociable, outgoing, talkative, gregarious, active, optimist and impulsive. In my perceptions I rely on my five senses. Both of them are my strengths. However in my judgments I am not rational and logical and mostly make judgments based on my likes and dislike. That is a weakness. My attitude in dealing with the environment is based on perception rather than judging, it can also be considered a weakness (Ewing, 2006) Learning Style There are six types of learning styles namely reading, writing, listening, speaking, visualizing and manipulating. No one style is better than the other. Generally people use the learning style
Monday, October 28, 2019
Letter to a friend regarding interesting experience in Management Class Essay Example for Free
Letter to a friend regarding interesting experience in Management Class Essay Hope all is well at your end. It has been a long time since I last heard from you. I guess you have a busy and hectic university schedule like mine which does not allow you much time apart from your course work. I donââ¬â¢t blame you at all because I know what a roller coaster ride this business studies really is. I am on my summer vacations now so I finally got some time to correspond with you. I would like to update you with my experience so far with my courses. I would specially like to brief you on my enthralling and interesting experience in my Management class. Business studies have an array of different courses to offer. All these courses have their application in real life, if not fully, then at least to some extent. The most common term which is associated with business people is ââ¬Ëmanagersââ¬â¢ which brings us to the most basic and necessary course of Management. Management is the basic requirement of any organization and is the foundation of running a business. Without it business would be nil and there would be total chaos and catastrophe. Management has tons of practical application and offers concepts which have vast dimensions and scope. This course has been the most interesting and enthralling learning experience so far in my studies. Of course I can not give you account of the entire course but I would like to mention one very exciting and challenging activity which was conducted in the management class. This activity was regarding teamwork. You must also have learnt a lot in your engineering studies how there are different teams of engineers that take up huge scale projects. Same goes here in our business studies as well. There are various different kinds of teams such as self managed teams, cross functional teams, special purpose teams and so on. The activity which we did was regarding the most famous kind of team; problem solving team. As you must have got the idea from the name, problem solving teams or also famously known as task forces are teams that are formed especially for a problem to be solved which can not be catered to and solved by the existing organizational structure. This team brings in members varying according to the nature of the problem from different departments of the organization. This shows that problem solving teams are cross functional. (Reference for Business, 2010) The activity was conducted in such a manner that our Management course instructor first explained to us all the different types of teams which involved problem solving team as well. Then to demonstrate how the problem solving team really works in the real world he divided our class into different groups. Each group comprised of 8 members each and each group was handed a business related problem which needed to be solved. We were given a time frame of 50 minutes in which we had to come up with a plan of action to solve the problem and then we were required to present it. This was a really challenging and exciting activity. The problem which was handed to my group was that we were required to suppose a business organization that dealt in supplying of different beverages in 48 out of 50 states of U.S. à There were complaints from three major states which were Arizona, Kansas and Colorado. The major complaints were of similar nature that the supply of the beverages was not on schedule, the stock that reached to retailers was not in good condition and that the beverages supplied were not in accordance with the demand of the people. We were required to discover the reasons that why were these problems occurring in only 3 of the 48 states and what erroneous actions were responsible for these three major complaints. We approached this problem in a very professional way. We first decided upon who will lead the group and fortunately the group members general consensus was for me as a team leader. As a team leader I was the one who had to approve the final plan of action with the input suggestions and research of the different members. We decided upon that our team had members from various departments of Finance, Marketing, Sales, Research and Development and Distribution Management. We formulated our problem solving report in such a manner that first we gave a brief introduction of the problems. Then we assumed different logical reasons which could have been behind these complaints. The reasons and findings that we listed in our report were that our suppliers were categorized into 16 different teams. Each team was given 3 states for which they were responsible of supplying the beverage. One particular team was given the states of Arizona, Kansas and Colorado as they are geographically situated close to each other. As the complaints were regarding these three states hence we found that the supplier team was performing some erroneous actions due to which these complaints arose. On further imaginary research we found out the findings for each of the complaints. First we found that this team was complaint about in past as well by number of retailers regarding their lethargic attitude and poor display of punctuality. So it was found out that the team comprised of members who were irresponsible and did not meet the time restrictions of the schedule which resulted in late supply of the stock of beverages. Second complaint was due to the same reason as first. The reckless attitude of the particular team showed that they mishandled the stocks. Beverages are objects held in fragile coverings and bottles and need to be handled with care which this particular team did not display. The third complain was that of the supply not in accordance with the demand which again was due to the poor performance and reckless and untrained staff of this team. They did not record and process the orders properly which resulted in the wrong supply frequently that bothered numerous retailers. So after we had our findings we were now in position to develop a plan of action based on these findings. The plan of action was formed with collaboration with the different departments of the organization. The action decided upon to be taken was that this particular team was to be fired. Other teams would be also appraised on performance to see whether they were a source of complaints in their states or not and whether they are up to the mark or not. All those members that wonââ¬â¢t be up to the mark would either be trained or fired. The empty vacancies would be filled by renewed hiring of the staff which would take special care that highly trained and responsible staff is hired. For the entire plan of action to carry out special assistance would be required from Human Resource Department. This concluded our entire report for the solution of problem. We then presented the whole scenario, our findings and proposed solution in front of the entire class. As Group leader I took the responsibility of presenting. It was really good experience to present in front of the entire class. The teacher appreciated our approach to the problem and gave us a few helpful additional suggestions which would give edge to our report. The class also applauded our presentation and our presentation was ranked the best in all the presentations.à All this was due to combined team effort. This was the experience I wanted to share with you. It was not just a moment of pride for me because of the best presentation, but the activity itself was so exciting and fruitful to provide us with concepts that I could not resist but share with you. I am sure you have experienced such exciting activities at your university as well. I am really looking forward to hear from you your eventful time at university. I hope you are having a good time and enjoying the studies because I think you can not learn until you enjoy you studies. Hope to hear from you very soon. I am looking forward to your reply and account of the activities at university. Hope to see you soon. Take care. Reference: Reference for Business. (2010). Teams and Team work. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from,
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
A good day being crawled up on the couch watching television socializing and stacking. Snacks are great! So just chips, cookies, ice cream especially those Caramel choose. Food is not the easiest thing to understand. Food is much more complicated than just eating it, because many foods can lead to a deadly epidemic called obesity. Obesity, a disease of the 21st-century, is causing millions to die each year because of health issues such as, heart disease and diabetes. "Obesity is defined as having excess body fat"(CDC) obesity is quickly spreading and is very dangerous. Obesity is very different than being overweight. Overweight is just another term for being "fat" were as, obesity means that your body is made up of 30% or more fat. (CDC) "Globesity," The term was first used by World Health Organization meaning obesity is affecting a great portion of the population. W. H.O. Termed the word globesity because obesity has turned into a global epidemic and is very popular. (WHO) The older you get the harder it is to lose weight. As you get older is harder to lose weight because your metabolism slows down.(Allman) When it comes to your Weight, a good way to find out if you are overweight or even obese is your BMI or body mass index. If you BNI is between 25 and 29 you were considered overweight. If your BMI is 30+ then you're considered overweight. (Overweight) Many parents often claim that their kid is not overweight and just has a little baby fat. In fact, babyfat often turned into obesity by second-grade. (Robbins) 27% of America is obese and only 35% of America Holds a normal weight. That leaves an additional 35% of Americans that are overweight. Over 40 million, or one out of three children and teens are overweight or obese. Over ... ... understand is that obesity is a problem of its own. Obesity is classified as a disease! If someone is obese they have a disease and they sooner than later will die! However, like all diseases, obesity can be cured. Type 2 diabetes is one of obesityââ¬â¢s biggest causes, it often times makes people very irritable and is a result of low insulin. Obesity causes heart disease such as heart attack and stroke. this is from lack of cardio-vascular exercise. Obesity also cause bone and joint issues, and the main three are, charcot joint, diabetic hand syndrome and osteoporosis. Walking running and standing are all part of bone and joint issues. Obesity also causes sleep apnea and asthma. Sleep apnea causes you to have trouble breathing when you are sleeping and also causes you to have trouble sleeping. Asthma is the shortage of the breath due to the bronchi of the lungs. (CDC)
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